Longest lunar eclipse of the year 2021, know date, time and place.

Yes, by the way, how many planets keep on ascending and descending in the human zodiac. But there are also two planets which have a great impact on the whole world. Yes, we are talking about lunar eclipse and solar eclipse because this year i.e. 2021 is going to be the longest lunar eclipse ever, so let’s know about this lunar eclipse –

lunar eclipse date

Yes, the lunar eclipse of the year 2021 is going to fall on Friday, November 19 and this lunar eclipse will be the longest lasting eclipse ever. And its effect will also be very effective.

Time –

The duration of this lunar eclipse on November 19 will be 03 hours 28 minutes 24 seconds, which will be the longest lunar eclipse. According to astronomers, this lunar eclipse will start at 12.48 pm and will end at 4.17 pm. Which after 580 years will see such a long lunar eclipse.

Where will the lunar eclipse be visible in India and the world-

It is also a good thing for the people of India that this partial lunar eclipse will be visible for some time in Assam and Arunachal Pradesh of India. Which can be seen at sunset. At the same time, this eclipse will be visible for some time in America, northern part of Europe, East Asia, Pacific Ocean region and Australia.

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