Beautiful Staircase Design | 8 different types of stairs

In this article, we will learn about the different types of ladders. What are the types of ladders? How are the types of ladders classified? Which of the ladder types is better and which is worse. Under what circumstances are the different types of ladders used? And many more, so read the whole article till the end.

type of ladder

Before knowing the type of ladder, let us know what a ladder is. What is the main purpose of keeping it.

What is a ladder?

Staircase is the structural part of a building consisting of trade, riser, landing, and joining slabs. Which is used to move from one floor to another in the building.

Straight Staircase

straight staircase. In buildings, the staircase used to go from one floor to another is very straight or the direction of the staircase has not been changed, this type of staircase is called a straight staircase.


Straight Ladder This is the simplest type of all types of ladders. This type of ladder can be made easily. Straight ladders are the most commonly used ladders used in buildings. So it is a common CD used in homes.

Landings are not required in straight staircase if the staircase is kept up to 16 steps. But if the length of the ladder increases by 16 steps, then landing is provided in the middle of the ladder.

L-Shaped Staircase

When the straight staircase used to go from one floor to another in buildings is changed by turning its direction at 90 degrees, then this type of staircase is called L-shaped staircase. Landing is used in a straight ladder for a 90 degree turn.

L-Shaped Ladders provide us more flexibility in the house as compared to straight ladders. With which we can plan our house better. Various rooms can be constructed in the appropriate places in the buildings. And the L-Shaped staircase gives us more privacy than the straight staircase in the house.

By using L-Shaped staircase in houses, the aesthetic view of the house is also attracted. But it is more difficult to construct an L-Shaped staircase in the house than a straight staircase. L-Shaped stairs are mostly located in the corner of the house.

U-shaped Staircase

When two or more straight ladders are joined through a landing by making a 180 degree turn, then this type of ladder looks like a U shape when viewed from above. That’s why this type of ladder is called U-shaped Staircase.

U-shaped Staircase is mostly found in residential flats, bunglow, apartment type buildings. This type of ladder is also called dog legged stair. Because when viewed from the section view, this ladder looks like the legs of a dog.

U-shaped Staircase can be easily constructed in houses. By using this type of staircase, the look of the houses also becomes attractive. A large landing area is available in the U-shaped Staircase, which provides many advantages such as we can use the landing area for rest. The landing area is also very useful for carrying goods.

Winder Staircase

Winder Staircase is similar to L-shaped staircase, except that on flat landing folded in 90 degrees in winder staircase, triangular steps are provided. The triangular step used in this staircase is called winder step, hence this type of staircase is called winder staircase.


Winder ladders were more commonly seen in old-fashioned houses. But now the use of this type of staircase has reduced because the construction of winder staircase is more difficult than the construction of L-shaped staircase. Winder ladders are used more in places like bungalows, palaces etc.

Spiral Staircase

In this type of ladder, the winder steps are attached to the pillars revolving round and round a vertical pillar. These ladder steps are attached to the vertical pillars in a helical shape.


The spiral staircase made of cast iron or RCC is used more. These staircases are mostly precast. Spiral staircase is mostly used in commercial complex.

Curved Staircase

Curved Staircase is also similar to spiral staircase but the radius of the staircase is much larger in it. Due to which this staircase is like a big arch. By using Curved Staircase in houses, the look of the house becomes beautiful.


Cantilever Staircase

In Cantilever Staircase, the steps of the stair are cantilevered, that is, one tier of the stair steps is fixed to the wall, while the other stair floats in the air. The Cantilever Staircase makes the look of the house very attractive. Gives traditional look to Yemkan. Cantilever Staircases are much more expensive than other stairs.


Bifurcated Staircase

The grandest of them all—this is the style of the iconic Titanic stairs—the bifurcated staircase comprises an extensive set of steps that split into two smaller flights leading in opposite directions.