How to Add Live Chat Box in WordPress Website

Let’s talk about this topic a little bit now i.e. live chat. After all, why do we need live chat? Live Chat By We’re Going to Visit Our Website All visitors can chat live and answer all their questions through live chat at the same time. Live chat is very important for all websites and … Read more

How to create a professional blogger website in WordPress with localhost?

Here, we’ll show you “How to create a professional blogger website in WordPress with localhost?”. You can easily create professional blogger websites in WordPress with localhost in the following steps. Step 1: Go to Google first and download WordPress and then extract hair to the zip file of WordPress then download xampp apache server! … Read more

How to Make a wordpress website with free domain & hosting

How to Make a wordpress website with free domain & hosting Here, we will tell you “How to Build Website in WordPress with Free Domain & Hosting” You can easily create a website in the following steps. Step 1 : To get free domain & hosting google search profreehost and click on register Select your … Read more

How to create a Company LOGO in Photoshop?

Here, we’ll tell you “How to make a Company LOGO in Photoshop?” You can easily create a Company LOGO in Photoshop in the following steps.   Step 1: First open the PhotoShop, then select a new file! And keep it as you want and Ok! Then Ellipse tool Select! And keep his size 500/500 and … Read more

How to create attractive banner in Photoshop?

Here, we’ll tell you “How to create attractive banners in Photoshop?” You can easily create attractive banners in Photoshop in the following steps. Step 1: First open the Photoshop and then select a new file. And keep its size at 1500/860 and do OK! then right click ok on the layer. Then go to Blending … Read more

How to Make an E-Commerce Website in WordPress ?

Step 1: Install a theme in WordPress To install the theme Go to WordPress Dashboard ► Appearance ► Themes ► Add New Now search your theme, & click ‘Install’ & ‘Activate’. Step 2: Choose a design To choose a design, click ‘Get Started’ Next select your page builder, we recommend ‘Elementor’. Now select your design, … Read more

How to Install a WordPress Theme

In addition to the default theme included with your WordPress installation, you can also install your own WordPress theme to change the look and style of your site. Managing Your WordPress Themes To manage your WordPress themes, expand the Appearance menu in the WordPress Dashboard. Here, you’ll see the Manage Themes page. At the top of this page, you’ll … Read more