General Knowledge: Many people in the world would be children of that era, who would have talked to their friends and lovers through SMS. Customers get a lot of convenience due to the facility of messaging in mobile phones, but in the era of expensive recharge, communication through SMS was a cheap and easy option.
Do you know when the message started, and if you do not know, then let us tell you that on December 3, 1992, 30 years ago, the feature of the message was launched in the mobile phone. This SMS means shot message service, through which crores of people interact daily.
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SMS was started for the first time in the year 1992.
In today’s modern era, even though calling or WhatsApp and other types of social media platforms are being used to communicate, but in the 90’s, chatting through messages used to be very advanced and fun.
In the early days after the invention of SMS (SMS History), there used to be a word limit in SMS, due to which only 160 words could be written in a message. Although the whole concept of SMS was launched in the 1980s itself, but it took a long time of 10 years to reach the common people through mobile phones.
Software engineer sent the first SMS
When Neil Papworth, a Vodafone software engineer, sent SMS for the first time in the world, Merry Christmas was written in the message. Neil sent this message to his boss, Richard Jarvis, but at that time Richard was busy with a party. Because of this, he had not seen Neil’s SMS, nor had he replied to it.
Between the years 1992 to 2010, the SMS craze was very high among many people using mobile phones, who used this feature for general conversation. Even on festivals and special occasions, along with giving best wishes through SMS, the pictures present in it were also sent to each other.
The company’s network used to get stalled
For example, on the occasion of new year and festivals, people used to send so many SMS to each other, because of that. The networks of all the telecom companies were slow, due to which it used to take several hours for the SMS to reach from one person to another. While at present there was no significant impact on the network of all telecom companies on sending more than 100 messages daily.
SMS word added to the dictionary
Little did software engineer Neil Papworth know, the SMS he sent to his boss would start the SMS revolution. In the year 2010, SMS was given a place in the dictionary to understand the term of messaging, but in today’s digital time, the facility of sending emoji is also available with all the messages on Google and other social media platforms.
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