Why Tire Color is Black: Why the color of tires of vehicles is black, why not any other colour? Know the reason behind it

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Why Tire Color is Black: Why the color of tires of vehicles is black, why not any other colour? Know the reason behind it


Why Tire Color is Black: Different brands of vehicles are seen running on the roads of India, which have different colors and designs. But these cars of different brands have one thing in common, which is nothing but the tires of the vehicles.

All the cars running around the world have black tire color, while their design and model can differ. But do you know that the tires of vehicles were not always black, but at one time white or beige colored tires were in trend. Then why companies started making black colored tyres, what is the specific reason behind this.

Why Tire Color is Black?

It is not that the tires of vehicles were always black in colour, but before the year 1917 the color of the tires of vehicles used to be light white or beige. In fact, natural rubber was used to make tires at that time, whose color was light white or beige.

In such a situation, the work of making tires was done without any tampering with that natural rubber, due to which there was no significant change in its color. But as the number of vehicles on the roads started increasing, the pressure of great performance on the car companies was also increasing.

In such a situation, car companies started doing new experiments to improve the quality of tires, under which a special chemical called zinc oxide was first added to natural rubber to strengthen the tyre. This strengthened the tires and did not spoil for a long time, although the color of the tire remained beige even after adding that chemical.

Black tires came in vogue after 1917

In this way, companies did many experiments to improve the quality of tires, after which carbon was added to rubber in the year 1917. Due to this carbon, the natural color of the tire changed to black, after which the trend of black tires started in the market instead of light white and beige.

The main purpose of adding carbon to the rubber was to give it maximum strength, as the strong and hot rays of the sun caused a lot of damage to the tires and cracked them. In such a situation, companies thought that carbon should be used to make tyres, so that there would be minimum damage to the tires of the car standing in the sun all day.

In such a situation, carbon was added to the rubber under this experiment, because carbon works to block the ultraviolet rays of the sun for a long time. Due to this, the direct sunlight does not fall on the tire and it can run for a long time without any damage.

Making a carbon-rich tire also reduces the risk of cracking or bursting, as the rubber is not damaged by the heat of the sun. In such a situation, keeping in mind the safety and convenience of the car driver, all the companies started using carbon to make tires, due to which the color of the tires of the vehicles is black.