The World Earth Day, also known as the International Mother Earth Day, is celebrated every year on April 22. Countries across the globe come together to create more awareness about the dire need to protect our environment. The day focuses on global climate crisis that is worsening with each passing day.
On this special day, we emphasise on the increasing environmental problems, including overpopulation, loss of biodiversity, depleting ozone layer and rising pollution.
The World Earth Day’s celebration on April 22 is important because it is spring in the Northern Hemisphere and autumn in the Southern Hemisphere around this time. As the weather is also bearable at this time, it is more pleasurable to continue the celebrations of Earth Day.
The theme of Earth Day 2022 is to ‘Invest in our planet’. In 2021, the theme was to ‘Restore our Earth’ and in 2020, the theme was ‘Climate action’.
History of Earth Day
The Earth Day was first celebrated on April 22, 1970. This was when the peace activist John Mc Connell proposed to honor Mother Earth and the concept of peace during a UNESCO conference in San Francisco.
Notably, the World Earth Day was earlier decided to be celebrated on March 21, 1970 as the day one of spring in the Northern Hemisphere. Thereafter, the US Senator Gaylord Nelson proposed to hold nationwide environmental enlightenment on April 22, 1970, which was later renamed as the ‘Earth Day’
Why is Earth Day celebrated?
On Earth Day, millions of people connect to discuss environmental issues like pollution and deforestation. Many people participate and organise events to hold discussions around topics of environmental literacy to educate young minds about various climate issues.
In order to increase awareness about climate change on Earth Day, Google has made a series of animations of four locations. When you visit the Google Search homepage on Chrome internet browser today, you will be welcomed with a timelapse animation. These animations will change every hour to showcase the effect of climate change over a time period.